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Compass is an integral component of Pioneer feature flag management. Compass consists of a user interface built on React, and a Node.js backend. For more information, visit Pioneer's case study page.

Run locally#

npm install in both the client and server directories.

From server directory, npm run dev.

The front-end of the app is now available at localhost port 3000.

To connect with nats server#

Ensure Docker is running then docker pull nats to pull nats server.

To run server in detached mode: docker run -d --name nats-main -p 4222:4222 -p 6222:6222 -p 8222:8222 nats --js

Note that Pioneer uses Nats JetStream, hence the --js flag above.

To stop the docker container when finished with server:

// get container IDdocker psdocker stop <container ID>

Connecting to DB#

An instance of postgres needs to be run in a docker container on port 5432. The docker-compose.yml and init.sql files are within the docker directory of this repository.


API endpoints implemented server-side#

GET /flags#

Example response:

{    "flags": [        {            "id": 1,            "title": "LOGIN_MICROSERVICE",            "description": "Redirects users to the login microservice",            "is_active": false,            "version": 1,            "rollout": 0,            "updated_at": "2021-07-12T18:02:12.439Z",            "created_at": "2021-07-12T18:02:12.439Z"        },        {            "id": 34,            "title": "this is a testing flag!",            "description": "log this event, app!",            "is_active": false,            "version": 1,            "rollout": 60,            "updated_at": "+053499-03-12T04:49:28.999Z",            "created_at": "2021-07-12T18:02:32.081Z"        }    ]}

GET /flags/:id#

Returns an object containing the flag object as well as an array of events associated with that flag.

Example response:

{    "flag": {        "id": 1,        "title": "LOGIN_MICROSERVICE",        "description": "Redirects users to the login microservice",        "is_active": false,        "version": 1,        "rollout": 0,        "updated_at": "2021-07-18T16:18:42.369Z",        "created_at": "2021-07-18T16:18:42.369Z"    },    "eventLog": [        {            "id": 1,            "flag_id": 1,            "title": "LOGIN_MICROSERVICE",            "description": "Created new flag: LOGIN_MICROSERVICE",            "created_at": "2021-07-18T16:18:42.379Z"        }    ]}

POST /flags#

Successfully creating a flag with POST will also create a new event log entry. Note that the title is the only required field. All flags are initially created in an 'off' toggle state.

Example request:

{    "flag": {        "title": "testing_flag",        "rollout": 5,        "description": "testing out flag creation"    }}

Example response:

{    "flag": {        "id": 37,        "title": "testing_flag",        "description": "testing out flag creation",        "is_active": false,        "version": 1,        "rollout": 5,        "updated_at": "2021-07-19T16:42:28.483Z",        "created_at": "2021-07-19T16:42:28.483Z"    }}

PUT /flags/:id#

Successfully updating a flag with PUT will create a new entry in the event log.

Example request:

{    "flag": {        "title": "new title",        "is_active": false,        "rollout": 55,        "description": "adding a more descriptive text here.."    }}

Example response:

{    "flag": {        "id": 34,        "title": "new title",        "description": "adding a more descriptive text here..",        "is_active": false,        "version": 1,        "rollout": 55,        "updated_at": "+053499-06-18T05:00:09.999Z",        "created_at": "2021-07-12T18:02:32.081Z"    }}

DELETE /flags/:id#

When a flag is deleted, a new event log item will be generated.

Example response:

{    "id": "35"}

GET / logs#

Returns an array of event logs related to all flags.

Example response:

[    {        "id": 1,        "title": "this is a testing flag!",        "flag_id": 34,        "description": "Flag created.",        "created_at": "2021-07-12T18:02:32.098Z"    },    {        "id": 2,        "title": "this is a testing flag!",        "flag_id": 34,        "description": "Updated flag: 'this is a testing flag!'",        "created_at": "2021-07-12T20:17:48.772Z"    },]


To run tests, run npm test from the /server directory.